16bit processor with 8 registers, flags and a stack.
Instruction Set
TAG CodeTag. Set a code tag (for Jump or Call instructions).
# Text. Set a comment.
NOP. No operation. Does nothing.
LD Rd Memory + Offset. Load memory to the destination register.
LDI Rd Value. Load an immediate value to the destination register.
LDRESX Rd. Load the x value of the screen resolution to the destination register.
LDRESY Rd. Load the y value of the screen resolution to the destination register.
ST Memory + Offset Rs. Store the source register at the destination memory address.
ADD Rd Rs. Add the source to the destination register.
SUB Rd Rs. Subtract the source from the destination register.
MUL Rd Rs. Multiply the source with the destination register.
DIV Rd Rs. Divide the destination by the source register.
MOD Rd Rs. Modulus of the destination by the source register.
INC Rd. Increase the destination register by 1.
DEC Rd. Decrease the destination register by 1.
CALL CodeTag. Saves the current code address on the stack and invokes the subroutine.
RET. Returns from a subroutine invoked by CALL. Pops the code address from the stack and continues execution after the original CALL statement. If there is no address on the stack, stops execution.
CMP Rd Rs. Compare two registers.
J CodeTag. Unconditional jump.
JE CodeTag. Jump if the zero flag is set (equality check).
JNE CodeTag. Jump if the zero flag is not set (inequality check).
JL CodeTag. Jump if the negative flag is set (less than).
JG CodeTag. Jump if the zero flag is clear and the negative flag is clear (greater than).
JC CodeTag. Jump if the carry flag is set (used for unsigned comparisons).
JO CodeTag. Jump if the overflow flag is set (used for signed overflows).
RAND Rd Value. Generates a random number of type Value in the range of 0…Value and stores it in the destination register.
CPU Flags
- Zero Flag (ZF). Set when the result of an operation is zero.
- Carry Flag (CF). Set when an arithmetic operation results in an unsigned overflow (carry out of the most significant bit) or underflow (borrow into the most significant bit).
- Overflow Flag (OF). Set when an arithmetic operation results in signed overflow (when the result exceeds the range of the signed data type).
- ** Negative Flag (NF)**. Set when the result of an operation is negative (for signed operations).
GCP (Graphical Co-Processor)
8 layers with 256 hardware sprites, a palette, image groups and other hardware supported features.
Layers are drawn starting from index 0 up to 7. By default layers are in the resolution of the screen and invisible.
- LYRRES L Width Height. Set a custom layer resolution in the form of “320 200”. By default layers are in the resolution of the screen.
- LYRVIS Ld State. Set layer visibility. Default is invisible.
256 hardware sprites
SPRLYR Sd Ls. Assign a layer to the sprite. By default a sprite is not bound to a layer and will be drawn on top of all layers.
SPRSET Sd ImageGroup. Assign an image group to the sprite.
SPRIMG Sd Rs. Set the index of the image in the current image group. Stops any animation. Default is 0.
SPRANM Sd From To. Set the animation range for the sprite and start animation. If the current image index is not inside the range set it to the animation start frame.
SPRFPS Sd Value. Set the fps for the sprite’s animation. Default is 10.
SPRVIS Sd State. Set sprite visibility (Invisible/Visible). Default is invisible.
SPRWRP Sd State. Set the wrapping mode for the sprite (Off/On). Wrapped sprites wrap around the layer or screen (i.e. when they go offscreen re-appear on the other side).
SPRX Sd Rs. Set the x position of the sprite.
SPRY Sd Rs. Set the y position of the sprite.
SPRROT Sd Rs. Set the rotation of the sprite.
SPRPRI Sd Rs. Set the priority of the sprite. Sprite with a lower priority are drawn last. Default is 0.
SPRACC Sd Rs. Apply an acceleration impulse to the sprite.
SPRSPD Sd Rs. Set a constant speed to the sprite.
SPRMXS Sd Rs. Set the maximum speed for the sprite (for acceleration / impulse driven games).
SPRFRI Sd Rs. Set the friction of the sprite (default is 1.0). A friction lower than 1.0 will reduce speed.
SPRGRP Sd Value. Set the collision group of the sprite to the given value. The value can be any numerical value.
SPRCOL Sd Value. Checks if the sprite collides with any sprite in the collision group. If no, sets the ZF to 1, if yes sets the ZF to 0.